Participation at the 3rd Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, held in Brussels, between the 25th and 26th of November 2013. EAPN was heavily involved in the Annual Convention of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion, an event organised yearly by the European Commission to monitor progress on poverty reduction in the European Union. EAPN was represented by 54 people, out of which 28 are part of national delegations, 21 taking up places offered to EAPN by the organisers, and 5 were EAPN’s President (Sérgio Aires) and the EAPN Secretariat (Director Barbara Helfferich, Policy Coordinator Sian Jones, Policy Officers Amana Ferro and Vincent Caron)

Competiția Premiul Jurnalistic „Cu onestitate despre sărăcie”
APEL ÎNSCRIERE Competiția Premiul Jurnalistic „Cu onestitate despre sărăcie” Termen limită: 4 septembrie 2022 Ești jurnalist de presă scrisă, televiziune, radio sau online? Documentezi cauzele